
Project Manager

Full name: Ilse Vandeput / Home office: Boutersem / At Wieni since: november 2015 / Wieni ID #31

What do you do at Wieni?

I am a project manager at Wieni. I am involved from A to Z, from client briefing until go live.

Next to that I manage long term planning and invoicing at Wieni. I am also the first point of contact for GDPR related questions.

How did Wieni evolve the last couple of years?

Wieni has grown in as well maturity as headcount the past 5 years. The team almost doubled - from 10 to almost 20. The number of projects also increased. But Wieni has grown - as far as I am concerned - even more in professionalism. Both in approach as in complexity of projects.

What are the projects that gave you the biggest kick as a project manager?

One of the first big projects for me at Wieni was the Joker travel website. We weren't that good yet at sprints or technical documentation at that time. The weekly status meetings with the client and the extensive meeting notes were things that were already up to standards. The continuous improvement to allow the team to work inside the process was something I learned a lot from.

What are the biggest challenges when working together with developers?

The biggest challenge? After all those years I still have to ask them to explain things once in a while. I do understand a lot of technical talk, but in order to explain it to our clients, I really want to understand it thoroughly. Of course most colleagues are quite forgiving and willing to explain. In the end we all want the same: build the best product possible for our clients.

What do you expect from a client or partner when they start a project with Wieni? How can they get the most out of it?

Trust. Which is something that has to grow off course. In both directions. But the best products are those where the mutual trust between the partners and Wieni is at its maximum. That does not mean that clients always have to agree. We appreciate it when opinions differ and we can have a solid discussion.

Next to trust we also ask for time. We give them homework on a regular basis. We don't like to wrap everything together as an easy meal. We like to show what possibilities are, with pros and cons. So yes, that asks for time and commitment from our clients. We expect a minimum of knowhow and digital maturity.

Why do you like working at Wieni?

At Wieni everyone knows what they are doing. Everyone is complementary to the other ones. You need each other. You work together towards a common goal.

Next to that the flexibility is great, which allows you to maintain a healthy work-life balance. And let us not forget: sporting together is also great!