What is our tech stack?


  • Next.js & React
  • Typescript

Back-end & integration:

  • Node.js
  • DatoCMS headless CMS
  • Storyblok headless CMS
  • Firebase
  • Mollie
  • Mailchimp
  • GraphQL
  • Docker
  • Symfony
  • Drupal 10+


  • Shopware
  • Shopify


Only AWS services

  • EC2
  • RDS
  • ALB
  • Elasticache
  • ECS & ECR
  • SQS
  • SNS
  • S3
  • Glacier
  • Opensearch
  • API Gateway
  • Lambda (Javascript)
  • DynamoDB
  • DAX
  • Cloudfront 
  • Lambda@edgeCloud functions
  • WAF
  • Athena
  • Glue
  • Route53
  • Step functions
  • Cognito
  • EFS

Infrastructure managed via Cloudformation with Lola, slowly moving to CDK (Typescript)

EC2 configuration with Ansible

Lambda’s managed with Serverless framework